Challenging Times


I have to admit I was very sad to have to temporarily close the shop. But I knew it was the best decision for the safety of my customers and well as my own. I will be missing the face to face chats, helping customers finding the right gifts and seeing your upcycling furniture projects taking shape. I had to suspend all the orders of new pieces that I had been really looking forward to getting this Spring. I have had also to cancel the creative workshops for now.

Nobody asked for this health emergency, nor for the physical distancing, for the illness it has brought to so many as well as the fear and the uncertainty we all feel.

Staying positive, supporting each other in a small or big way, being mindful, keeping creative and connected will help us as individuals and as a community to be stronger together. Do take care and stay safe.

Our brick and motar shop is temporarily closed but we are still working behind the scenes! Don’t hesitate to send us a message or visit our online Facebook shop, which is being updated regularly. Stay Safe. Looking forward to the time when the shop is reopen.

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